Responsible Tourism

Responsible Tourism

Responsible Tourism: For generations, Nepal’s awe-inspiring Himalayas and vibrant culture have captivated travelers worldwide. Tourism plays a vital role in Nepal’s economy, generating income for countless individuals and contributing significantly to the GDP. However, it’s crucial to manage this growth […]

10 Best Climbing Peaks in Nepal

With the highest mountain in the World and a total of eight peaks over the altitude of 8000m, Nepal is undoubtedly a favorite destination for expeditions. Many tourists worldwide come to Nepal to get to the top of the world […]

Great Himalaya Trails

The Great Himalaya Trails is one of the most sought-after trekking routes. Many trekkers have the GHT on their bucket list too. It is a network of existing trails in Nepal’s low, mid, and high Himalayan ranges. Among the various […]